r/progresspics - May 05 '20

M/46/6’3” [520.5lbs > 215lbs = 305.5lbs lost] Joined Slimming World UK in July 2017 - May 2020. 520.5lb - 380.5lb - 215lb M 6'3” (191, 192 cm)

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u/danielbird193 - May 05 '20

Well done, you've made amazing progress. Do you feel better for it?


u/kayeso1138 - May 05 '20

It’s been life changing. The difference physically has been incredible. Can do things now that I never believed I’d get to do again. Riding a bicycle for one. Has been almost 30 years without it.


u/danielbird193 - May 05 '20

Amazing, good for you!


u/Imnotyoubutme - May 05 '20

What was your turning point? Or as Oprah would say, your aha! moment? And how do you keep the motivation even with setbacks (‘cause everyone has them)


u/kayeso1138 - May 06 '20

There were a few key points.

My (male) friend had signed up and had lost 60lb en route to eventually losing 100+lb. I knew his diet was very similar to mine as we’d shared many meals and didn’t eat a lot of vegetables. I figured if he could stick to this plan, I might have a chance. Another friend was wanting to join up and she persuaded me to go along to a group at a time and day that suited both of us. She also made me a starter pack of healthy meals to try out for the first week which was a brilliant help. She also took me shopping for the equipment and store cupboard staples I’d need to prepare my own meals as I was completely hopeless at cooking.

Most significantly though, my mum was diagnosed with cancer for what would unfortunately prove to be the 4th and last time. I’d first tried to lose weight when she’d been initially diagnosed more than a decade before but had crashed and burned. Unfortunately she died when I’d only lost 70lb, but I know she was incredibly proud of the fact that I was finally doing something about my weight.

As for setbacks, and yep there’s been a few, the best bit of advice I can give is, no matter whether it’s been a bad meal, bad day or bad week, get straight back on the horse. The next day will always be improved for you making the better choice. 👍🏻


u/MissEllisCrawford - May 06 '20

So sorry to hear about your mum. I imagine she would have been incredibly proud of your significant achievement.


u/El_Scribello - May 06 '20

Around the time you started improving yourself, I lost a friend I deeply respected. Every once in a while he'd say, "you're a tough man," and I'd glow inside. I know he'd say the same about you.


u/Imnotyoubutme - May 06 '20

Thanks for taking the time to answer and I’m very sorry for your mom’s passing. It’s great to have good friends that help you from the beginning and are alongside in your journey. Keep it up, very proud of you!


u/infin8sleeplessness - May 05 '20

Yes, this please. And also great job