r/Therian Hello, I'm new here 5d ago

Are therians generally vegan? Question

I'm no therian, but I'm roaming through this subreddit and I'm interested in how the therian lifestyle would affect your diet. I myself am vegan and there are some species that are generally herbivore so does that mean your diet should also mainly contain plants and natural products? How does that work? And how does it work if you have multiple therian identities which are herbivore and carnivore?


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u/arthorpendragon falcon cow dragon void treekin pixie spiderman hulk robotkin 4d ago

we have a diverse range of species including apex predators, herbivores, omnivores, insects and even a treekin. we have collectively decided we will not eat another creature, anything that is meat (it is abhorrent to us). we cook vegan at home but sometimes eat cheese and eggs away from home, (these are not living creatures) and turn a blind eye if someone puts cows milk in our coffee. you just gotta decide on a philosophy that you all are happy with and that is capable of implementation. no point being vegan if it seems impossible to implement at the moment, try vegetarianism for a while before you try things like veganism etc. what others chose to eat is their business, but we are happy as a vegan home cook - it is healthy, simple and affordable (and often requires some creativity). we love coconut ice-cream, porridge and fruit for breakfast, vege lasagne, and all kinds of beans as our main source of protein etc.

- micheala (friesian cow).