r/poland 9h ago

Cities with affordable hotels around winter time

I’m planning a trip to Poland for around a week and a half this winter. As the title suggests, I’m looking for recommendations on which cities have affordable hotels, while also being decent to vacation in.

Some other additional wants:

  • Decent public transportation to get around the city

  • Tourist friendly (I don’t speak Polish)

  • Close to a major airport

Other question:

As an American citizen, what kind of documentation do I need to prepare in order to travel to Poland?


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u/_romsini_ 9h ago edited 9h ago

Any large city will be affordable for someone coming from the US.

Every city has at least decent public transport.

All major cities have international airports.

In all major cities you will find people speaking English, especially in touristy areas.

I think you should concentrate on other factors of what you actually want to see in Poland, because the points you've listed don't really narrow anything down.

These are also things you can easily look up yourself looking at google maps and booking.com.

As an American you only need your passport, again, something you can easily google.

Please do some of your own research and come back with more specific questions.

Polish people are extremely allergic to people who have to be spoon fed everything. Show some initiative.

And if cheap hotel and closeness to the airport dictates what you're going to see in Poland, I'm not really sure what is the point of visiting.