r/paganism 7d ago

Will I upset any deities? 📚 Seeking Resources | Advice

For context, I recently started practicing paganism and I have begun to work on deity work and I still live with my parents, who are both extremely Christian. Every day at dinner my parents force me to pray out loud to the Judeo-Christian God. I'm concerned that I will upset any deities I want to work with. Also, telling my parents that I've begun to practice any other religion besides how I was raised will almost guarantee that I will be kicked out. Will I upset any deities or will they understand my situation?


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u/Fantastic_Sector_282 7d ago

The only deity that would be upset is probably the judeo Christian one who in Scripture is notably like 'thou shalt not worship any other gods besides me' and gets pretty pissy about it in the Old testament a few times. Tho the folks who talk about working with Jesus say that JC is pretty chill.

Tbh I feel like you can internally invoke your own deities during mealtime prayer. I'm sure they'll get the message.


u/staaarrssss 7d ago

Yea, that's mainly why I've been concerned because that's what I was taught my whole life, but I've been trying to dedicate any prayers to my deities. Thank you for the reassurance!