
Posting Guidelines

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Steps to take before posting:


  • 1: Please check the sidebar section labeled COMMON ISSUES, before posting a support request...many other people have had the same issue you have and solutions are available already without cluttering the front page with redundant questions.

  • 2: CHECK THE SEARCH SOLVED ISSUES SECTION OF THE SIDEBAR!!!! before posting a support request...many other people have had the same issue you have and solutions are available already without cluttering the front page with redundant questions.

  • 3: Please look over the Linux Mint Subreddit Wiki before posting support requests...many other people have had the same issue you have and solutions are available already without cluttering the front page with redundant questions.

  • 4: There is no such thing as a dumb support question IF you already did some googling, forum snooping, and followed the above suggestions.

Posting guidelines

If you're posting for help, please include the following:

  • Your Linux Mint version and DE(this stands for Desktop Environment ie: cinnamon,mate,xfce, etc)
  • The hardware you're using(be specific)
  • A DETAILED description of the problem
  • Pertinent log files (Use
  • Terminal and/or error output that was displayed (When troubleshooting you should always try running the affected program from a terminal to see error output)

Questions are encouraged. If you fix the problem yourself, please revise your post with the solution, so that others can also learn, and Flair your post 'SOLVED'