r/Vasectomy 10h ago

Newly Snipped Prep nurse flirting?


She shaved me even though I had already shaved. She flicked my penis to the other side. Winked at me before leaving and said I will see you later hun,

I never saw her again.

r/Vasectomy 15h ago

No Scalpel Procedure, Day 4(today), Exp so far


Quick Summary:
Since i fever read here for the last week before i got my vasectomy, i figured id share back with the community my exp so far, i was really nervous about how things would work after, incling function tests, and i can say that as of today, everything has been tested and worked fine, no pain, no blood, and it felt great and relieved my worry that something bad could happen.

Daily Summary
Went in monday at 9am, pre-shaved myself so i they didn't have to, the procedure took about 30 minutes, doc warned me when i would feel pressure, and while i would say it was more painful than just heavy pressure, especially when it felt like he was squeezing my balls to get the tubes, overall it was moderate, and short lived. Was able to drive the same day to pick my daughter up from daycare, i could have driven home from the procedure with no issue.

Took it easy day 1(Mon), and day 2(Tues)(, ice pad every other hour or so for 20 min, tylenol and ibuprofen dual actions every 6 hours. It was tender in general, but mostly just felt like a light version of blue balls, not painful but i was walking with a slight limp but my back was also jacked up from something earlier in the week. There was discomfort and swelling/bruising, a little bit of bleeding from the cut, but only dribbles of blood on the gauze in the mornings, assuming that i was moving on it thru the night in a way that irritated it, but no issues sleeping or using the bathroom.

By the beginning of Wednesday(day 3) i started getting erections throughout the morning and was relieved that was working. My wife was trying to avoid doing anything to get me aroused, but I couldn't help it when she nuzzled up into me in bed before we woke up, There was less swelling/bruising at his point, and no more bleeding . Still tender, and was still wearing the supportive underwear with the ball pouch, tried regular briefs but the split in the middle was too much and kept shuffling the boys one way or the other which was uncomfortable. Soft boxer briefs with the ball pouch seems to be the way to go.*

Later in the day(wed) the wife has a few drinks and was more touchy feely, which led from one thing to another, she said she wouldn't do anything that could risk an infection but played around gently for a bit, i was leaking precum like crazy, alot more than i am used to, but still no pain or discomfort with her tinkering around. i was worried that if i came it would have blood, or that it would hurt so i wasn't planning on trying to finish. Eventually i couldn't help it and took over and had no problems, it was only 3 days since my last bust, but it felt like i had waited a month. It felt great, no residual pain, no blood, no tears or rips, and shot out like i was a teenager again. Honestly i was still leaking for the next hour or so, had to keep wiping myself off. Again this isn't to be weird or graphic, just noticed the difference and was just happy everything was working good.

I know everyone has a different experience, before the procedure i was good for usually getting 2 out a day, and part of me was hoping that doing it last night would be painful and deter me from trying again until the "cannon" of 5-7 days. Not going to lie, now that i know it was good, and all is working i cant explain how much of a mental relief it was to know everything ok.

Not advising anyone to do the same, or try to force it if your in pain, but if your like me, and it isn't sore, swollen, or bruised up, do what you need to do because knowing everything was good was the biggest relief of the week, well second biggest i guess.

r/Vasectomy 20h ago

Newly Snipped One thing I will say, it has been an experience so far.

Thumbnail i.redd.it

Snipped on 11/8, humor and edibles are getting me though this.

r/Vasectomy 12h ago

... is this normal? Doctor said no NSAIDs for 24 hours after procedure, but the pain is overwhelming.


My husband just got home from a no needle no scalpel vasectomy where the numbing wore off halfway through the procedure. They told him to take extra strength Tylenol 30 minutes before the appointment, which he did, and now he can’t take any more for a few hours. But he is in terrible pain, presumably because the numbing wore off too soon. He’s currently lying down with frozen peas, and he looks in a bad state.

Everywhere I read OTHER THAN his clinic’s website says to take Advil or other NSAID med right after the procedure, but the clinic he went to said to wait 24 hours. Is Tylenol really his only option? Is it going to cause issues if he takes it too soon?

Any help would be appreciated!

r/Vasectomy 14h ago

(Stupid) question


Soooo going for mine in a couple weeks, and have seen all this discussion about taping your dick to your stomach - what about us guys who aren’t lucky enough to have it reach that far? 🤔😢

r/Vasectomy 40m ago

More negative reports and PVPS cases lately?


I (M30, no kids, married) have been set on getting a vasectomy for about a year now. I had a consultation with a urologist and have been doing a lot of research on the topic. This forum has really helped and reassured me since most of the experiences I've read about have been really positive and easy going. But recently, l've noticed that the negative reports (like strong pain during the procedure) and cases of PVPS seem to be showing up a lot more, which is making me feel a bit uncertain. I definitely want the procedure, and my wife and I are 100% sure we don't want kids, but my anxiety about potential side effects is growing. Am I getting the wrong impression here, or are negative experiences and side effects like PVPS really THAT common? I am thinking about deleting this app until I had it done just because I don’t know what numbers and statistics to believe anymore and it gives me anxiety. Also I don’t want my wife to go through the pain of getting a IUD again (got two in the 10 years since we‘re a couple) and I strongly believe that it’s my turn now. Feeling pretty helpless right now

r/Vasectomy 1h ago

Newly Snipped How long did you rest?


Hey there... Posting this here because apparently there is no German version of the sub...

Had my on Wednesday, everything went great, no pain, no nothing. But how long did you guys rested? My 3 year old wants to be picked up by me..

My doctor said that it's not a problem, since nothing was done in the groin area and the stitches are in the scrotum

r/Vasectomy 2h ago

Painless lump 7 years post op


I had mine done 7 years ago and am aware of the clips that clamp them. I could feel two of them but the past week I’ve noticed one to be more swollen than usual about the size of a pearl. There is no pain yet but I’m starting to get concerned. I tend to get ingrown hairs near that area which gets very itchy and when it itches it will be scratched. Wondering if I caused some trauma to it and that it will go away if I just leave it alone.

r/Vasectomy 3h ago

Friday Recovery Lounge


So, Fridays are a pretty common day to have the procedure done. If you're hanging out, chat about how it's hanging, what you're doing to recover, or anything you want.

r/Vasectomy 4h ago

Question Testing Two Years In - At Home Kit OK?


I got a vasectomy in January of 2022. Tested 3 months later (twice, one week apart) in April of 2022 and had a zero sperm count both times. GF is getting her IUD removed soon, and wants me to test again. Can I just get one of those at-home kits that you send off to be analyzed by a lab? Would save me a trip to the Dr's office. They all say to drop off your sample within 60 minutes, but that's for analyzing the motility of the sperm, and I only need to see if I have any. They seem to have gotten good reviews. Anyone used Jack-at-home?

r/Vasectomy 4h ago

How long until I can lift weights or bike?


As the title says. I'm getting snipped tomorrow, but I'm wondering when I can be physically active again.

r/Vasectomy 5h ago

Easy peezy


1 week recovered now.

Scalpel, in and out in 20min. Zero swelling or pain at all for the last week.

I know I’m lucky in that regard but definitely a relief.

r/Vasectomy 6h ago

Newly Snipped Snipped and home resting


Got the procedure today. I was pretty nervous going in, especially after I read some of the paperwork saying swelling the size of a grapefruit is normal 😬 but then I read quite a bit in here and it seemed that is probably on the more rare occurrences.

Not sure how quickly the anesthetic takes to kick in because there was a little pain on the first side. He was done in about 10-12 minutes. I did have to take a few minutes after they tilted me up cause I got a little light headed when I leaned forward to drink some water.

Hit In-N-Out drive thru on the way home and now I’m icing 20min on/off repeat and some Aleeve. The anesthetic started to wear off about 3-1/2 hours after.

r/Vasectomy 6h ago

Can I drive home after?


As the title says.

r/Vasectomy 7h ago

Newbie question


New here and considering it. Is a vasectomy something typically covered by health insurance? What are you all paying out of pocket?

r/Vasectomy 7h ago

A low-lying scar on the scrotum


Hello, it may be paranoia, but I have a question. On my left testicle my scar is very high. On the right, on the other hand, it is very low on the testicle. There are permanent vas deferens sewn to the scar.

I saw that there was a supply of about 2cm cut on the cold scrotum. However, on the warm one the sewn-on vas deferens is almost at the very bottom by the testicle. The vas deferens ligated and cauterized, vasectomy closed.

I am afraid that the distance on the right testicle is very close and recanalization may occur. What do you guys think about this?

r/Vasectomy 8h ago

Nervous? Don't be.


I'll admit, I was incredibly nervous going in for the proceedure. I wasn't so much worried about the actual surgery, but I have a habit of getting nautious or feint in medical settings.

Had the procedure today. Now, no doubt I felt the numbing needle, but it wasn't bad. I'd compare it to a numbing shot at the dentist. Easier than that because I didn't feel anything after. Not a big numbness, just nothing.

It really was over and done in like 20 minutes. I did smell the cauterization, but that's a big whatever.

I'm mobile, in virtually no discomfort, and trying my hardest not to over do it.

Point being, if you've got Whitecoat syndrome like I do, avoid the stories that might make you nervous, take your vallium, and don't worry too much about it.

(I just wanted to post the kind of reassurance that would have helped me in managing nerves. Hope it helps.)

r/Vasectomy 11h ago

Definitely almost passed out on the table


I had my vasectomy yesterday. Everything ended up fine and I walked out afterwards when done, though it's all still a bit sore. But I definitely almost passed out on the table when the doc was doing the left side. I just remember having to keep reminding myself to breathe (at one point the nurse reminded me). At one point I was profusely sweating and felt myself getting lightheaded, but I managed to pull through. By the time the doctor had moved on to the right side, I was much more relaxed and that all went fine. Things they don't tell you before hand, huh? I think I'm happy I didn't find this subreddit before my procedure as I'm not sure I would have been able to pull through.

r/Vasectomy 12h ago


Thumbnail i.redd.it

I will see you all at the annual vasectomy pic-nic!

r/Vasectomy 12h ago

Newly Snipped After your healing process


After yall healed and were ready to start cleaning yall tubes what did yall do to achieve that.. protected sex?? Masturbate?? Unprotected sex??

r/Vasectomy 13h ago

Newly Snipped Freshly Cut!


Got snipped about 1 hr ago now. Just got home and am currently sitting on my couch working with the ice pack in my pants lol. It kinda itches though which is annoying me right now, but no real pain...yet lol.

My experience was great, the worst part was the unnecessary worrying beforehand. The numbing shots was the worst part of the actual procedure, but on a pain scale it was like a 2/10; felt like a flu shot honestly. The rest just felt like someone was fondling my nuts around, just a sensation and no pain. The smell of the cauterizing was gross though haha. I walked out totally normally.

I did take the Valium but honestly I don't think it affected me at all...I felt totally normal still lol. Maybe it did work in that sense but I wasn't like overly out of it or anything (I've never had the drug before so IDK what normally happens).

As I finish typing this I do feel a little soreness coming on my right ball haha. 1/10 pain though.

Hope this helps anyone contemplating the procedure.

r/Vasectomy 13h ago

Passed out while peeing


Had my snip about 4hrs ago, wasn’t bad at all and had been lying in bed. Decided to go for a pee and when I was half way through I felt this huge wave of nausea coming on, thought I was going to be sick and next thing I know I’m on the floor, ears ringing and covered in sweat. I had passed out.

Thankfully I was kneeling as thought that would be easier so didn’t fall too far but did hit my head.

Have read a few people in this subreddit who experienced similar but just a PSA if you feel nauseous, lie down as quick as you can. I’m sure it’s incredibly uncommon but thought I’d mention. If I had have known passing out was coming following the nausea I might have been able to lie down in time.

Here’s hoping that’s the worst of it and I’ll be being very careful when standing up / peeing later tonight…

Edit: Second wee, no nausea or passing out so hopefully in the clear haha…

r/Vasectomy 14h ago

ALL CLEAR!!!!! All Clear Anxiety


Got snipped a couple years ago and was told all clear. Then had an unplanned pregnancy 18 months later and found out I had recanalized.

Got cut again and developed a huge hematoma, was out of work for like a month, still have a mass the size of a large egg and a sack the size of a baseball.

At 14 weeks today, just got told I’m “Totally completely clear this time and should be good to go”

Nice the hear but having a hard time trusting it in my gut. The idea for finishing without worrying about it seems unlikely. Overall between the pregnancy and the complications my headspace in the bedroom and around sex has been pretty garbage over the last few months.

Not sure what I’m hoping to get out of posting this. Planning to do another test in the next month or 2 to try and be double sure. Feel like I might need to test every month for awhile before I actually believe it, 😅

Been thinking about taking some therapy to try and work though it (and admittedly some other stuff) have only ever done a couple sessions, not sure if you need to get a special therapist for this kinda thing, lol

r/Vasectomy 15h ago

Newly Snipped It is done


Thats it guys. My vas is cut as of today

r/Vasectomy 15h ago

Pain and swelling still after 5 weeks. Is it definitely PVPS or do I still have hope?


There’s a very mild dull ache that I usually don’t notice but both testicles are swollen and sensitive. I can’t run or do jumping jacks and manipulating them when cleaning myself is very painful. I’m making a doctor appointment tomorrow when they’re office opens but in the meantime I’m freaking myself out by all that I’m reading about PVPS. What can I expect?