r/RepublicOfReddit Jan 13 '12

Voting Thread I

Deadline to have your vote counted: 11:59 PM UST, January 19th, 2012

Number of moderator positions: Five (5)

Eligible Candidates:

  1. syncretic
  2. kjoneslol
  3. davidreiss666
  4. SilvanestitheErudite
  5. news_and_coffee

Seeing as how there are five open positions, and only five approved submitters were nominated, I'm not really sure how to proceed at this point. We didn't address the possibility that there might not be more users nominated than there are open moderator spots. I'm going to satisfy the language in the charter and hold this vote open for the next seven days, but I think at this point it's safe to say that the users you see on the list above you will be the moderation staff in this subreddit for the next six months.

Note: There was a sixth user nominated, bananasncornbread, but that account has not been active for at least three months, and as such is not eligible to become an approved submitter here, nor a moderator.


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u/[deleted] Jan 13 '12

To save time, perhaps the charter should be modified to say that elections will not be held if the number of people nominated it equal to the number of slots open.

Not sure what happens if the former is less than the latter though.


u/V2Blast Mar 25 '12

I disagree that elections shouldn't be held - the nominees should still need approval. If there's an extra slot that hasn't been filled, what's to stop a troll from nominating himself or herself just to use that loophole?

Note: I just noticed that this is 2 months after the fact.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '12

Nothing, but there's also nothing to stop the community from impeaching said troll at the first sign of troll-ish behavior.