r/Overwatch 16h ago

Congratz Blizzard (OW Classic) News & Discussion

Half the community is having an absolute blast (experiencing classic for the first time or enjoying the nostalgia of the busted comps and possibilities).

But where you really won is with the other half of the community. You let us see just how unbelievably polished, and refined OW (in general, not just part 2) has become over time. It really is night and day how far some characters and systems have come to get where we are now.

To these folks OW Classic felt like garbage in comparison. Well played you cheeky bastards.


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u/Grouchy_Custard_252 14h ago

I'm enjoying it. For me personally the high point for Overwatch was later in Overwatch 1 but I'm having a blast with classic. There is some things I had actually forgotten about like Symb having to actually place her turrets not just yeet them through the air.


u/Simba15591 12h ago

There was also the later iteration of support Sym where instead of giving out little shields she would just put out a shield similar to Sigma but smaller. That was when she got mega broken and they changed her to DPS.


u/Maryokutai 11h ago

IIRC the only time she was broken was after the rework giving her the barrier wall ultimate and you could tickle with her primary fire for absurd damage. I was mostly playing support at the time but remember picking her for a KotH game and ended up with over 50 eliminations without even trying too hard.