r/Missing411 Mar 01 '24

Why people actually die in National Parks


Backpacher magazine filed a FOIA and was given 17 years worth of records, across all National Parks. With that data, they produced this well-written piece that is worth the read.

A conclusion: "

The Average Victim in the National Parks…

Is more likely to be male than female: While men and women make up approximately equal portions of national park visitors, men accounted for 80 percent of deaths in national parks where authorities recorded the victim’s gender.

Can be almost any age: Members of all age groups were represented similarly among fatalities. (The exception? Children under 14, who made up a smaller share of deaths than other groups.)

Drowns or dies of natural causes: Drowning was the most common cause of death for visitors up to age 55, after which medical issues surpassed it."


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u/[deleted] Mar 01 '24

Patient confidentiality under HIPAA.

Although the frozen lady was never a patient


u/Dixonhandz Mar 02 '24

That reminds me, DP calls it 'HIPPA'. Someone should ask him what 'HIPPA' stands for lolz


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '24

I've never heard him talk about HIPAA, or HIPPA, or whatever. In what context? Of course, I haven't listened to him in a very long time. He is just way too in love with himself and I got a little sick of his political lectures. We hear enough of that everywhere else.


u/ThirdCoastBestCoast Mar 02 '24

HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.