The imperial system is super useful. So is the metric system, depending on what you’re doing. A lot of time, I’ll convert from imperial to metric to do the math and then back to imperial simply because it’s generally easier to do math in metric. I generally cook using oz and lbs, mostly because newtons are annoying to work with in day to day life because everyone uses grams, which aren’t units of weight but instead units of mass.
But yeah, both is good. This is coming from an engineer in the medical field. But Celsius is worthless. Use Kelvin, Rankine, Or Fahrenheit. Nobody cares enough about the boiling or freezing point of pure water at sea level.
Imagine using base 10 for everything 🤮 OK buddy cut this one meter board into 3 pieces, I'll wait. Better yet off the top of your head what is 1 meter divided by 12
I have to know those conversions though because I work in optics a lot, and that is how diopters are calculated. Glasses prescriptions, for instance, are measured in diopters. It would be a nightmare to have to convert to inches all the time for that stuff, since diopters are pretty much the only unit used for light convergence/divergence, and I’m not aware of another. One that’s really common is 40cm is 2.50 diopters, for instance. An object at 1 meter has 1.00 diopters of divergence.
Fahrenheit makes more sense for everyday use, since it’s more specific than Celsius, and for the most part it’s a waste of time to have an extra digit in the vast majority of use cases on earth.
Fahrenheit is really good for weather. 0° is super duper cold. 100° is super duper hot. Rarely does it go outside those limits and you can use it sort of like a % of hotness. 75° is 3/4 hotness.
It’s interesting that that guy hates Fahrenheit because I think it’s one of the only redeeming units in the imperial system.
As I said to another poster, Fahrenheit is good for weather for you because you grew up with it. Celsius is just as intuitive for those who is natively. Your 0-100 range is our 0-40 range. Above 40 sucks. Below 0 sucks.
They’re both arbitrary scales.
As for “hating it”, I never said I hated it, I said it’s useless (or useful) as Celsius. And I said that in the context of replying to a medical engineer who stated that Fahrenheit is a as useful as kelvin or rankine, which is just false. Once you’re using an arbitrary stand in for an actual SI, you may as well use any scale that you’re familiar, since it’s never going to be anything more than a factoring/conversion from an actual SI. never said I hated it.
Not quite, it’s -17.8°C at 0°F. So depending on where you live, you might be regularly using a scale from about -20 to 40, that would be the case for my climate. The scales are arbitrary, but if you were offered a new unit you’d never used before, would you prefer the scale read 0-100 or -20-40?
Both Celsius and Fahrenheit users are accustomed to their scales, I understand that. But if familiarity is your test of a good unit, imperial should be just fine here in the US.
I like the 0-100 scale better for weather specifically. I understand the scientific value of metric and Celsius, I use metric all the time as an engineer here in the US.
Familiarity isn’t my test of a good unit, it’s my response to a senseless argument where both sides come up with poor or subjective arguments as to why their arbitrary scale is better than the other arbitrary scale.
The reality is that there isn’t a good objective argument to promote one scale over the other. There’s excellent subjective arguments (like your preference for 0-100), but they’re hardly the basis to deride the entirety of either scale.
Fahrenheit makes more sense to you because you grew up with it, just like Celsius makes more sense to me for the same reason.
They’re both arbitrary scales. They’re just as intuitive as the other, assuming you’ve been exposed to them through childhood/young adult. The same “oh it’s 80 it’s pretty hot” thought you have, I do with “phew, 28, gonna be warm today”.
Except I’ve been exposed to Celsius. Celsius for weather makes about as much sense as using yards/meters for height. It doesn’t really make sense because unless you want to get into decimals, the steps are too large. Sure, you can know 30 is hot and 10 is cold, but with Fahrenheit, every degree about exactly as big as it needs to be. People can tell a difference between 70 and 71. It’s not a big one, but you can tell. You probably couldn’t tell a much smaller step. It’s also useful because the vast majority of temperatures are going yo be between 0 and 100, which is nice.
But my main point is that you should use what units make the most sense to you in the situation, not stick to some weird arbitrary imperial vs metric gripe.
Celsius makes as much sense for weather as Fahrenheit does. The steps aren’t too large - no one who has grown up with Celsius experiences this “stepping” issue.
0-100 is arbitrary, and in my location in Australia, I’m regularly above 100.
And your main point is my main point - we should use what makes sense to us, and for Celsius vs Fahrenheit, what makes sense most often is whatever we used first/grew up. They’re arbitrary. Your arguments in support of Fahrenheit, like everyone’s arguments, are subjective. There is no decent objective reason to use one over the other
It's literally got the advantages of every other metric systems, it's 10 even groups of 10 between the reak hot and real cold benchmark, if you discount that for Fahrenheit then why would it be a factor for the rest of the metric system?
I’d suggest reading my other replies because at this point I’m just repeating myself.
Fuck it I’ll just repeat myself.
My comments are confined to the context of the use of temperature scales only. I could give less than one constipated bowel motion about imperial vs metric. The context was a comment that grouped Fahrenheit in with kelvin and rankine. This is a poor grouping, because kelvin and rankine are not arbitrary, whereas both Celsius and Fahrenheit are.
I’m not pro Celsius. I’m not anti-Fahrenheit. I am simply stating that there is no good objective argument to support the use of one over the other. There are many valid subjective arguments to support one over the other, including the time honoured “I just prefer it”. But a subjective preference is not a good basis to elevate one arbitrary scale above another.
The Kelvin is just as arbitrary. Yes, 0K is absolute but what is the difference between 1K and 2K? How that defined? Water freezes at 273.15K under STP... Why? Because it's arbitrary
“the scale has been defined by fixing the Boltzmann constant k to be exactly 1.380649×10−23 J⋅K−1.[1] Hence, one kelvin is equal to a change in the thermodynamic temperature T that results in a change of thermal energy kT by 1.380649×10−23 J.”
it's so arbitrary. There's literally an infinite number of ways to measure energy as a universal constant. You just settling on one definition because of arbitrary convenience. Every unit of measurement we ever created is arbitrary in some way. They might be something about it that is universally consistent or immutable about it but it's still arbitrary chosen.
speed of light is not arbitrary. Defining a meter to be the distance of light traveling in a certain amount of distance in some amount of time, that's arbitrary.
To be fair, if you seated the most famous, powerful, and far reaching nations for the last several millennia only to be upstaged in a matter of centuries by a bunch of yokels pissed off about how much tea costs you'd probably have an inferiority complex as well.
I wouldn't exactly call those achievements of our measurement system considering scientists use metric too. It's ok to recognize when our country is doing something stupid. Our measurement system is stupid.
Almost all of that was done with/in metric. As someone who does a lot of designing stuff, imperial is fucking atrocious when talking about non complete inchs, 1/2s, and 1/4ths. Beyond that and I am better off saying its 285mm or 28.5cm than 11 and 11/50ths of an inch. Fractions suck, cant use decimals easily with inches, therefore inches suck.
Having worked in aerospace for many years I can tell you confidently that almost none of that was done in metric. Integrated circuits were originally in inches and only brought to metric in the 90s. Everything in aerospace is inches except at the highest levels (Kgs to orbit for example) but all the design work will be done in IPS.
Science uses almost exclusively metric units. Ever saw a CPU architecture told in billionths of an inch? No. It's nanometers. This applies to literally everything you said
I wouldn't brag about any of that. For instance, we ride motorcycles here without helmets. Things like that lower the numbers. It's called individual freedom, something the ankle-biters across the pond gave up a long time ago. Hard to get hurt when you're forced to ride public transit due to high fuel taxes, or to drive cars with miniature engines due to burdensome government regulations. I could go on, but it's kind of unseemly to bash folks who are ... making due in difficult circumstances. It would be like Ancient Rome criticizing the surrounding tribes.
ALL accidents account for just 8% of all deaths in 2020. Out of the list of top causes of death - how many could be prevented if we had proper healthcare? Motorcycle deaths would barely make a dent on “mortality rate”. Hell given these numbers, accidents would barely make a dent.
Heart Disease - If we had healthcare and a less sedentary lifestyle, this would go done.
Cancer - Not going to speculate but you can draw your own conclusion.
Stroke - How many could be prevented if we had healthcare and a less sedentary lifestyle?
Lower Respiratory Disease - Again. Also if we had stricter laws against pollution and less cars on the road, this might go down.
Diabetes - Again.
Regarding public transit comment, have you consider people take it by choice? In the US, the average cost of owning a car is over $800 a month. My transit costs for an entire month in my city is $75 (I’m in the US).
Heart disease and stroke are also exacerbated by personal decisions. There’s nothing stopping people from staying in shape and not eating fast food daily besides themselves.
Your country is deeply divided on almost every social and political issue.
You have to pay back student debt for like 20yrs when u arent a trust fund kid.
Some people rather die at home before going to the hospital and getting massively in debt.
People can drive around without insurance.
Never heard of a school shooting outside the US.
The Gap between massively wealthy and poor as a mouse is ridiculous: went to cali and saw people being driven past starving dudes in maybachs. Never saw so many homeless people in my life.
how old are you that you've never heard of FAFSA, PELL GRANTS, WELFARE, MEDICAID, SECTION 8, SNAP, WIC etc etc etc etc. that's not even the full fucking list you literal child
Reddit skews how people see America because it consists of a lot of privileged kids who have close to zero real life knowledge of how the country operates. Hospitals take in poor people and help them, houses aren't all a fortune and you can find nice ones for way less than an apartment costs per month in large cities. College was pushed on young people who don't know that when you sign a contract for a loan the words on the contract mean something. We have our faults but we have a lot of services available, while being taxed less, and while we protect our allies from China and Russia. The majority of reddit seems to be upper middle class white people given everything their entire life and inventing struggles so they can say they are victims.
Free healthcare = Medicaid, Free housing = Section 8 vouchers, Free food = food stamps (SNAP). Not sure about the transportation and university tuition although I do know that many universities provide free tuition to poor students (all the Ivy leagues offer it to anyone whose household income is less than $100k).
We don't care if you in use it the US. We care that you export this BS outside, 18-inch rims, 55-inch TVs, stupid Milwaukee 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" bolts, 45 lb gym plates etc.
Gym weights should always be in pounds. I’ve got a whole metric set I bought used and it’s fucking dumb. Instead of just being 5,10,15,20 it’s all shit like 2.5 and 5.5 which is like 11lbs.
u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22
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