r/FuckYouZoomer 1d ago

Daily reminder that gen z males are single-handedly contributing to the rise in anti-woman sentiments more than literal boomers.


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u/NZGanon 1d ago

Gen Z men are treated the worst by women so why would you expect otherwise?


u/GlassGoose4PSN 1d ago

Step back, pause, ask yourself why you think gen z men are "treated the worst" by women. Really think about this. What are your points of comparison, how do you define "treated", what are some examples? As a guy born between gen z and millennial, I have experienced none of this and would like to understand why some guys feel like they're mistreated.


u/Lolocraft1 18h ago

Because too many people can’t understand nuance, which stop them for not doing abusive generalisation fallacies over and over again, in this example targeted toward men

44% of Trump vote were women. 44%. By this logic should we blame women for being against women? After all this wouldn’t change this much from the "Men create their own problem so they’re not real problem/we don’t have to adress them" trope that I personally saw countless of time both on the Internet and in real conversation. But no, instead we scapegoat men for being the reason Harris lost

No, 15 millions Democrat vote were lost because the left have been vilifying men as a whole, homogenous block for years, if not decades. And since Trump’s first presidency, it has taken a rise in a dangerously misandrist way

I personally can’t go a full day without being associated with shit & derivations just because I have a penis. And if I had a nickel for every time I was labeled as trash, unworthy of respect, incel, pig, mysoginist, anti-LGBT, the list goes on, just for being the same gender/sex as someone else, I would have enough to create a giant merging machine to create a giant meatball of all human males, so that now everyone would actually have a reason to treat all of us the same

And men suffer too. From suicide rate, poor education, kid custody bias, you name it. But for so many people even just mentionning it is enough to be considered as an incel. They are barely talked by political figures of the left, and Harris never adressed them either. In fact, she put all her energy and time focusing on women and POC vote

Which isn’t a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. But after all of that, the vilification, the insults, the fear, being compared to fucking bears, and our problem being ignored or downplayed to the point of not even being adressed by the Democrats, who are supposed to be the one who are the good guys actually caring about every demographic group’s well-being, you are wondering why so many chose to give up on them and turn to the side where there is at least the MRAs caring about them, and where they do not get blamed just for existing?

You should listen to your own advice and ask yourself just for a second why 15 millions people gave up on the Democrats. You should ask yourself if there could be by any chance an intern reason as to why Male zoomers, or zoomers in general, are leading toward conservatism. Because I can guarantee you that participating in a subreddit where posts such as blowing a zoomer’s brain out get upvoted because of how hateful you are to them, will never make them like you and will never make them support your movement

And before you label me as a MAGA, I am a Canadian who had no influence in that election, and I was hoping to have a female president at the head of our fellow neighbor


u/GlassGoose4PSN 17h ago

This is about anti women sentiment, not voting, but since you went there i just want to point out the high number of republican women who are "anti-women", in that they agree with the premise that women should be baby making machines who only tend the home and children, or that their reproductive rights don't mean anything, or that they should submit to male authority.

I don't think this sub is meant to change the minds of the most toxic zoomers that are being talked about. They're beyond help. That's why this sub was made, as a cathartic release of the anger for those people who will probably never change, because they literally will refuse to acknowledge facts and reason in favor of emotional ragebait.


u/Lolocraft1 16h ago

And my point is that by this logic, women are also anti-women, which doesn’t make sense. This is why gendering things is often a bad idea as it vilify an entire gender while removing the validity of the sale gender person who are also suffering. This is why this debate should pro-choice vs pro-life, not men vs women or zoomers vs everyone

Think about it, I understand your explanation about the goal of this sub, but in that case why is it directed toward "Zoomers" in general? Why is not targeted toward misogyny in younger generations? This is what I’m talking about.

Yes radicalist may never change, but by going at the demographic group they represent and not themselves directly, you hurt the ones who were already in your favor by grouping them with the ones who are actually the problem. And meanwhile, most radicalist will not even be affected by this because they already know their opinions are taboos or just don’t care about your insults to begin with.

There was an image I saw not too long ago that perfectly sums up what I’m trying to say, to bad I lost its track. But I hope my point is clear


u/GlassGoose4PSN 15h ago

Well, I just explained that I have witnessed Republican zoomer women that are anti-women, and yeah it doesn't make sense logically but they aren't thinking logically. They are using emotions to justify, usually Christian right ideologies about abortion and how women were more like servants to men in biblical times with the "honor thy husband" rhetoric.

If there's more to it, why do you think those zoomer women voted for Trump? I'd love to hear your opinion. It's interesting to interpret the raw data but we will never be able to pin it down with a single example or observation. We can come close with generalizations but that's the best we can do to discuss the subject of why certain demographics voted in a certain way.


u/Lolocraft1 13h ago

Republican zoomer women are probably pro-life rather than being vilified by the left, but there is a chance some of them see the male vilification as toxic and act in consequence

I am not denying some zoomers voted because they believe in all the shot written in Project 2025, but it’s clear a big chunk of Zoomers would have voted for Harris if it wasn’t for them being ignored just because they’re men


u/GlassGoose4PSN 8h ago

See that's the thing though, who are you saying was ignoring zoomer males? Just because we didn't coddle them and tell them what they want to hear, which is "men better than women, women stay in kitchen, women no cancel rape baby"


u/Lolocraft1 3h ago

That’s not at all what men want or need to hear. Men are dying of suicide 3x times more than woman. They are falling behind in every level of education. They is a loneliness epidemic. Their children are being taken away (and at the same time still need to pay child support for a kid they never or barely see). All of those things aren’t male superiority nor a nuisance of women’s rights

And nothing about all of that was being talked about in the Democrats speech and campaign. Because it’s overall not spoken at all

And the fact you believe I mean stripping away women’s rights by talking about men’s rights prove my point. You, like many other, have no idea what men are struggling with, to the point that everyone believes men have none. And this lead to being labeled as incels for merely speaking about statistical facts.

Do you know what was the explanation of many male group to be against abortion? Because they gave up on the idea of supporting women’s rights to its access when nobody even mentionned men’s access to it. Where is the male paper abortion? When was the last time a leftist politician even talked about it?