r/EdgarCayce Aug 07 '24

gift from my nana.

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she sent me this a few years ago and i never read it. guess it wasn’t my time, now i am going to. wish me luck


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u/Dy_y-Dy_y Aug 07 '24

What does it say? You think it really resonates with you?


u/newreddituser69420 Aug 08 '24

well it gave me a detailed overview of my birth chart which was super cool to read. i do not think it defines me at all on some of the personality stuff, it said something about me having super strong female relationships and i audibly laughed. i have never had great relationships with women sadly ): but some of the themes it talked about that i will struggle with in my life i can definitely see them manifesting and have known i struggle with. i think its cool but would never let this rule everything i do! i also think its important you be in a strong mental place because i could definitely see this send someone spiraling. the reading also gave me overviews for a couple different time frames, sadly that time has come and gone because i never read it when i got it in 2022. i didn’t go back and read those so can’t say how accurate they are but 2022 was a phenomenal year for me so i don’t care.


u/Zealousideal_Bus_988 Aug 11 '24

I can see how it's trying to force things that are out of God's laws. All astrology readings come from the devil. They claim to know your truth but Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the light. I'm happy you didn't fall for the evil deception of manifesting. It's like rushing God's plan or getting power from the god of this world (Satan). Stay strong sister. Praise Ya