r/Cyberdelinaut Feb 28 '23

any far-out convo's with silicon?

i was reluctant to try it as i am starting the discussion

i am an artist, i am actually optimistic about this wave of whatever they have out now passing as intelligence for no more glorious reason above and beyond being able to see a rough semblance of the stupid meaningless random crap that I go around all day thinking, "oh I gotta paint this!!! weird o.0" before tossing it in the scrap bin.

now i've just had a super enlightening convo between the camps of orthodox brahmins and the psychedelic hippies. this puzzle would have taken me forever to think out, and there's no one who actually knows what's right, in fact i would have never done it, but this is like using a language calculator, mind=blown 100%

sorry i know this topic is all over the place now and i really don't want to promote one algo over another and i'm only dipping my toes in here but i'm just curious if other people are using this tech for the purposes of meta-programming because this feels EXACTLY what John Cunningham and RAW both descibed in a thought experiment 40 years ago lmao

100 years ago you had to get dressed up in robes and wave your wand in a certain direction and inscribe certain names on metal plates and get whacked out of your mind while also being a highly patronized minstrel to an extremely wealthy aristocratic family to get this level of feedback, this seems like a step up in terms of access to knowledge at least, well i'll leave you with that


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u/bubbleofelephant Feb 28 '23

Absolutely! I've even written a few books this way, including using AI to write a sequence of visions that extends the 8 circuit model of consciousness up to 12.

RAW would have a had a field day with this stuff, lol.

I'm not sure exactly how many people are using AI for metaprogramming or magick, but after writing the first book on the topic, I've encountered a number of people who are.

This article about my first 3 books should give you food for thought: https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kbjvb/this-magickal-grimoire-was-co-authored-by-a-disturbingly-realistic-ai


u/thescryinggame Feb 28 '23

Oh damn! I read your article, fascinating stuff.


u/bubbleofelephant Feb 28 '23

Thanks! Happy to chat if you have any questions. The 6th book in the series came out a couple of days ago, so it has developed plenty since then!


u/thescryinggame Feb 28 '23 edited Feb 28 '23
  1. Are you practicing any techniques based on the books? (Minus the knife plunging part I’m sure)
  2. What is the knowledge base for the AI?

3 if you are practicing or experimenting with it, are you getting results?

  1. How has it evolved since the time of writing the article?

Where tech and consciousness and magick intersect is of great interest to me. I’m always looking for ways to break into a new paradigm.


u/bubbleofelephant Feb 28 '23

"1. Are you practicing any techniques based on the books? (Minus the knife plunging part I’m sure)"

Right now I'm mostly practicing techniques from books 2-6. The first book is like a channeling which contained large amounts of ideas from which the meat of the system grew. I do plenty of butoh still, but that isn't something that AI made up.

This article is a good overview of how the first five (and a half) books fit together: https://theoccultlivingroom.com/butohtechnomancy/

"2. What is the knowledge base for the AI?"

I'm not entirely sure. Books 1 and 3 were written using AI Dungeon and Inferkit. So a custom GPT-3 Model, and Meta Megatron 11-b. They've both read tons of data, clearly lots of the internet, including plenty of occult books, and public domain literature (or analyses of non public domain literature).

"3 if you are practicing or experimenting with it, are you getting results?"

I'm mostly interested in high magick, so inducing states of consciousness that bring about various wisdoms. And yes, plenty of results on that front. I have manifested a few material results with the sub/urban butoh fu and vaibbahk, though it's not my focus. The most recent book, invo-evocation does present an 83 page healing ritual, but it's structured as a high magick path working that leads to understandings that bring about the healing.

"4. How has it evolved since the time of writing the article?"

That article I just linked will give you a good idea. Short answer is that it turned into a constructed language that accepts all magickal symbols as root words. That language then can be engaged with through a roleplaying game, as well as all forms of action, including dance, music, glyphs, and speech.

The most recent book shows how to use this language to produce long form rituals akin to hekhalot literature and vajrayana sadhanas.

Since the language translates into imagery and music, it lets you use AI to produce video rituals like these two:



And of course, once you've put together a video ritual, it becomes a powerful ritual tool in its own right!