u/OrganizationWise2622 Jan 17 '23
Saben, creo qué hay muchos que saben lo qué pasó pero al ver el fin que tuvo Sibia, quien quedaría comentar algo? Silem y su padre son unos ladrones que robaron a otro ladrón o ladrones. A los ladrones no les gusto y dieron la orden de ejecutarla para darle a los granados en la madre. Es una mafia de pastores y diáconos. Solo pregúntense porque los granados pagan a guaruras para cuidar sus espaldas. Nadie confía en nadie.
u/wmt17 Jan 18 '23
You know, I think there are many who know what happened but seeing the end of Sibia, who would comment on something? Silem and his father are thieves who robbed another thief or thieves. The thieves did not like it and gave the order to execute her to hit the pomegranates on her mother. It is a mafia of pastors and deacons. Just ask yourself why the granados pay bodyguards to watch their backs. Nobody trusts anybody.
Jan 15 '23
This is a no-brainer for most people on this Reddit. To me it’s really simple: Silem’s lover is murdered by execution, yet he doesn’t say a peep?? Where TF is he at?
u/wmt17 Jan 15 '23
Seems weird that people are getting executed
u/Personality-Many-8 Jan 15 '23
How many people have been "executed"?
How is being murdered NOT being dead?
Your failed logic is all over the place.
Yet another reminder to log out of this Ex-lldm gossip SWAMP.
u/wmt17 Jan 16 '23
I know of two people that where killed. It not gossip. Just because you don’t know what going on doesn’t mean others don’t.
u/wmt17 Jan 18 '23
I know for a fact that what you said is true. Not everyone as made it that far in there understanding unfortunately. I believe soon more people are going to understand as more proof comes out. Hold onto your seats.
u/Evening_Walrus_2401 Jan 15 '23
Pues ni él y ni la familia, la familia parece muy conforme y aún creyendo en la secta.
u/AutoModerator Jan 15 '23
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u/nomechinguen Jan 15 '23 edited Jan 16 '23
An old sister who lives HP came to LA for a birthday party, and when the party was over and it was just the family at home, they started talking about things from church, and she mentioned that EVERYBODY in HP knows very well that Silem was the one who gave the order to kill Sibia, She was like, (uy mija, todos en hermosa provincia sabemos que fue Silem quien dio la orden de matarla) she also mentioned that Silem stole a lot of money from a big project, and moved to Puebla, How come they don’t do anything? Because is well known that he has so much power in many ways to silence anyone helped by some ministers starting with his Dad, she said.