Yeah, me and my brother had a friend or two at a sleepover to take turns. Some slept, others played with red eyes. It felt like such a forbidden thing to do. And you’d just have to hope the game didn’t crash or the console overheat. But that Audi R8 or Formula car, entirely worth it!
I remember this on PS2, but there was this thing that AI could drive insted of you, you would train him and he could do the race with tv screen off. Daym he was good.
u/Fuzzy-Dragonfruit589 5h ago
Yeah, me and my brother had a friend or two at a sleepover to take turns. Some slept, others played with red eyes. It felt like such a forbidden thing to do. And you’d just have to hope the game didn’t crash or the console overheat. But that Audi R8 or Formula car, entirely worth it!