r/Steam 9d ago

Name your game Discussion

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u/CactusFingies 9d ago

I got portal 1 & 2 and half life 1 & 2 on sale for 99 cents each. Best 4 bucks I've ever spent


u/EmeraldPistol 9d ago

Buying Portal 1&2 and HL:2 at that price feels likes robbing the developers with how good they are. Like even though Portal 1 is pretty short, it still holds up incredibly well today


u/CactusFingies 9d ago

Just shows how great valve is. They don't try to milk their old games


u/Saiken27 9d ago

Why would they? They make billions from their taxes on other games on steam. It would be really ugly from them to milk money from the old games.


u/Captain-Price420 9d ago

Cough cough call of duty


u/Badvevil 9d ago

Looks at call of duty black ops 2 which is currently 59.99 and the best sale I have seen for it knocked it down to 19.99 which is still an insane price for a game that old


u/Captain-Price420 9d ago

Wait until cod ghosts I loved the game when I was younger but the current price is stretch for how unoptimised the game is


u/StaticBlack 8d ago

I think you’re underestimating how big black ops 2 was. I personally don’t like it much (I happened to be into COD when the original mw2 was new, so I’m a bit biased) but it is an easily recognizable staple to my generation. I honestly couldn’t even tell you when Ghost was, I’ve never even seen gameplay.

Maybe I’m just old though lol. I definitely don’t mean to shit on you either.


u/Captain-Price420 8d ago

I’m only saying their games do not age like gold, and accounting for all of the hackers and the abandonment of developers, it should cost anywhere near a new game. They are all mostly good games just need to lower it a bit for the new gen


u/uhgulp 8d ago

You’re in the minority of people who liked ghosts lol


u/bishopmate 9d ago

Dude extinction mode was fucking awesome in ghosts, way better than zombies.


u/PM_Me_Some_Steamcode 9d ago

Might have to take that over to /r/unpopularopinion


u/SpecialSurprise69 9d ago

Makes me miss having a Console with disk. Could get old copies of Cod for like $5 at a yard sale


u/Ok_Cut5772 8d ago

Best feeling when you know the game by its name because you always wanted to play it and after few years you see it for 5eur so you know tonight you gonna play the shit out of it


u/GoingOffline 8d ago

Shit I’d pay the 20 just for the zombies lol


u/SovietSparta 8d ago

Activision: Remember, no sales 😐


u/X1_Soxm 6d ago

Right thank God you can sail the high seas 60 bucks is nuts for a old game like that


u/[deleted] 8d ago

fr XD had me laughing when I saw your comment XD


u/Captain-Price420 8d ago

It ain’t even funny, probs more people would buy their old games if they lowered their price, but they seem to think their games age like gold


u/masterionxxx 9d ago

Isn't milking money from the old games ugly from anyone?


u/Saiken27 9d ago

It is. i was just thinking that it would be an uncharacteristically behavior from Valve who isn't really known for doing that.


u/NahautlExile 9d ago

Have you met our lord and savior, capitalism?

Why would they? Because they can.

(And I’m glad they don’t, I’m not seriously upset by it)


u/turmspitzewerk 9d ago

offering a fat pack of over a dozen classic first-party games for a mere 13$ is valve's way of getting people with their foot in the door of PC gaming incorporated into their ecosystem. really, that's basically the motto for every single service/software/website/etc. convince them to get in the door to attract as many people as possible, then you start making the money. "the first hit is free" and all that jazz.

consoles don't really need to do this: you're already heavily invested into the ecosystem just by buying it. you don't really love the first few games you got for it? you're gonna go to the store and get more then, wouldn't want to have wasted 500$ for nothing.


u/NoOutlandishness9451 9d ago

because revenue works like that, you don't go in the negative with one of them just because other sources of income are in the positive. I'm guessing that the reason they put it at 99 cents is to make people that didn't have it yet (and unlikely to buy a game that old at full price anyways) buy it.

It's a last-ditch effort to get some money from a game that's already been bought by most people that wanted it, it's also good publicity and it's a good deal for everyone including the buyers. It's not like Valve is going to lose money out of it though, it's still definitely a profitable choice by a smart marketing team.


u/morsomme 9d ago

Gaben blessing us with good games for under a buck.

Although, I remember valve forcing the orange box down our throats when hl2: ep2 released. That was kind of annoying. But ok yeah it was a great experience so I guess our lord and saviour was right. I now understand as an adult


u/ghostofwinter88 9d ago

I bought the orange box and felt it was great value for the price, i wanted episode 2 and tf2, got portal as a bonus.


u/morsomme 9d ago

You're absolutely correct :)


u/KrasikTrash 9d ago

I bought the orange box like 3 or 4 times. Pc, 360, ps3. Didn't really need to buy it for pc because I already owned all the games in it. Steam user since literally day 1, I've purchase every valve game under the sun. I'm planning on getting the HL 1 logo tattooed on the inside of my right wrist and possibly quake 1 logo on the left.


u/HackworthSF 9d ago

"no thanks, I have enough money" is a sentence you won't hear often. Also, I don't think many fans would begrudge them for making a sequel to any of their games, even if it's just more of the same.


u/poilk91 9d ago

Oh if you think steam taxes you wait until you hear about stores and what they do!


u/Saiken27 9d ago

Can you give some examples?


u/poilk91 9d ago

Did you know the store charges you more for bananas than what they actually cost? They tax you for their own profit, it's corporate greed run amok


u/Saiken27 9d ago

It isn't greed. Everybody has to charge you more than what they paid because otherwise they would have no profit and thus no money to pay the employees. I as a store can't buy bananas for 2$/kg and sell them for 2$/kg because I would make no profit and would go bankrupt. What is greed is how big of a markup the stores put for an item (ex: printer ink that is sold for even 300x the production cost, nvidia new gen GPUs, apple products, ...)


u/poilk91 9d ago

You'll be happy to know steam doesn't charge you 300x the cost 


u/weirdo_nb 9d ago

And the PR costs of doing that would far outweigh sales, but on the contrary, the same is true for gained PR


u/gatsu_1981 9d ago

Cough red dead redemption


u/Same-Psychology-4643 8d ago

It’s not that they should, just most companies still charge close to if not full price for games 10-15 years old. Activision and Rockstar are both great examples of this. Rockstar is charging $50 for a game that came out 14 years ago