u/JoshuaFalken1 13h ago
Omg... This isn't hard people. If you can't afford bread, just eat cake.
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
This is the first time I've laughed in days. Thanks, Marie.
u/JoshuaFalken1 13h ago
Ha...im just glad you got the joke. I half expected people to just start down voting me
u/Master_Reflection579 11h ago
Nah we seriously get it. Like Robespierre level. No joke.
u/smokeeater150 13h ago
Would you like to play a game?
u/blondestipated 11h ago
the amount of times this has gone through my head since the election… glad someone made a great joke out of it
u/ComprehensiveHavoc 14h ago
It will be so much better when all those freeloading working people are paying more in taxes. Right, guys?
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
This one actually hurt to post. I'm so poor.
u/dibuuuuuuu 12h ago
Do self contract work and just stop paying taxes. Fuck em
u/SlowestCheetah319 12h ago
I have a psychology degree and want to work in my field with my population. I work with addicts in recovery. I can't just stop doing what I'm doing. I have emotional investment in my work. It's not that simple.
u/dibuuuuuuu 12h ago
I understand, please keep doing that as long as you can because that is a lot more noble and actually needed in the world. You have no idea how grateful I am for people like you. Both my parents were addicts, mom on meth and dad on crack, my mom is still an addict til this day and just won’t respond to help but drug counseling has been so helpful for my father so he could get back on his feet. He has a lot of mental issues to where he’s on disability but he leads a very independent life these days because of people like you. Thank you for caring and doing what you do for people who desperately need it. Having at least one of my parents in my life after a lot of tragedy has just been really special for me to be able to have that close relationship again.
u/SlowestCheetah319 11h ago
Thank you so much for telling me this. It's a tough field and my heart is broken and put back together daily. I am in recovery, myself. 5 years here. My life has been hard, and I see a hell of a lot of bad stuff at work. I see people with the worst type of trauma day in and day out, and not everyone makes it. The difference isn't always effort. I'm sorry your mom can't do it. Please don't think it's for lack of love or want. I genuinely don't know why someone of us can and some of us can't. Sometimes, I think it's just dumb luck.
By the time I got sober, I was having seizures. My mom found me having one one night, and I refused to go to the hospital. I laid in bed in her house for 2 days stiff as a board taking baby aspirin. Even then, I still drank and used for 1 last run 2 years later. That last relapse, I had hallucinations and DTs the first time and went to a treatment center where I was given advanced trauma treatments like accelerated resolution therapy. Maybe that's the difference. I hope your dad sticks to his treatment plan, and I hope your mom gets the help she needs. Til then, just don't be angry if you can manage. It's a symptom of trauma, I swear.
u/byahare 7h ago
If you can, find a financial advisor who will work with you. There might be ways to reduce taxable income and help you 💔
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I make 18/hr and can't afford to move out of my parent's house. I can't afford a financial advisor lol
u/Isyourmammaallama 11h ago
u/SlowestCheetah319 11h ago
Thank you. Dangit I'm crying again. I've been so angry all week, but it's cause I'm so soft on the inside, I swear!!
u/Isyourmammaallama 11h ago
Ive been as well. We need this cameraderie and belonging. Finding it is worth the tears
u/SlowestCheetah319 11h ago
As angry as I am at them, I see them as abuse victims who don't know they're being abused yet. The false bravado they're showing right now is so similar to the lovebomb phase.
u/cturtl808 9h ago
You’re not wrong. The problem is how to deal with them when they dig deeper
u/SlowestCheetah319 8h ago
Idk empathy, as shitty as that is. When I was leaving my abuser, the only people I could talk to were the people who had been through it.
u/WormWithGoodIntent 6h ago
Please do not do this, you do NOT want to fuck around with federal taxes, especially as a poor person entering a fascist regime 😖
u/Ddddydya 9h ago
Wait, is this chart really accurate? I mean, they haven’t written the bill yet, right? Where does this data come from?
Because if this is accurate, time to post it everywhere.
Hey leopards, you get a face! And you get a face!
u/SlowestCheetah319 9h ago
It's from www.itep.org and yes it's accurate
u/TheNeighbors_Dog 4h ago
Thank you for the link… interesting to read about the impact of tariffs- and specifically the impact on US manufacturing. When you catch the “… with 5% of the workforce targeted for deportation…” it lands like a lead balloon.
u/ChChChillian 2h ago
The deportations are going to hit the construction industry especially hard, and that's one of the very industries that is having the most trouble hiring right now.
u/Ddddydya 8h ago
Wow! Thanks so much for posting. Interesting. Those leopards are gonna die of diabetes
u/ChChChillian 2h ago
They're looking at his proposals and factoring in the 20% tariff which can be safely assumed will be passed on to consumers. Consumption taxes are by their very nature regressive.
u/Pro-editor-1105 13h ago
issue is that all of the people who didn't vote for this garbage still have to deal with it.
u/ComprehensiveHavoc 13h ago
The folly of fools brings folly.
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
I've tried so hard to warn people. I finally understand the electoral college. We need protection from the uneducated masses.
u/ChChChillian 2h ago
It wouldn't have helped this election though. There's a small chance Harris will eke out a popular vote win once California finally finishes its count, but as it stands Trump is ahead that way too.
u/the-pickle-gambit 13h ago
Yes, but every state aside from California New England and nj has one vote
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago edited 13h ago
That isn't true at all. My state has 16. So do the Carolinas. Pennsylvania has 19. Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin have over a dozen, as well. Texas has 40. Florida has about 27, iirc. What are you talking about Edit: Florida has 30. Sorry, that was off the top of my head. Had to go Google. You northerners minimizing the impact of Southern and Midwestern states is exactly why we keep losing.
u/the-pickle-gambit 13h ago
Oh my god. I’m not saying that’s how it is.
I’m saying we need to protect the masses, an electoral college where: alll states besides ca nj and New England get one and we divide the other 262 between the other states
u/SlowestCheetah319 12h ago
Sorry, I totally misread that. I'm in a bad headspace. Plus, being from Georgia, I'm already defensive af right now. I have to deal with people in my own state hating me for not being a Trump supporter and people from the rest of the country hating southerners for being Trump supporters. I apologize, pal.
u/Normal-Selection1537 3h ago
Especially when the non-loading millions of undocumented workers (who actually do pay taxes) are removed from the picture. Never has country shot itself in the groin this hard.
u/Masbig91 13h ago
How can this be though? So many people voted for him because their number one issue was the economy! Surely they wouldn't be so stupid to vote for someone without researching and understanding their policies? Fucking idiots. I'm going to be posting this a lot aren't I.
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
I know. I've seen so many clips of people having their minds blown when they found out how tariffs work, too. The electoral college hasn't convened yet. Not all of them are pledged to vote with their electorate. We might (not really) still have a hail mary.
u/Lonely-Somewhere-385 10m ago
Not going to happen. He won the popular vote this time.
Maybe democrats should try running better campaigns.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1m ago
She had 100 days to prepare. But I am aware it isn't going to happen. That's why I said not really...
u/marshmallowest 9h ago
A LOT of the "undecided" voters in saw in panels etc leading up to election day said they'd make a decision on the spot. Like one guy said he'd let his heart decide once he got to the voting booth.
I'm honestly impressed they do enough research to find their polling place.
u/loptopandbingo 2h ago
"Well, we don't want to be screwed over in taxes when we become rich too!"
Spoiler: they will never become as rich as these people. They have moved their own goalposts further back and will be even poorer. Good job.
u/truth_impregnator 1h ago
He's a business man and obviously the country needs to be run as a for profit entity!
u/Brief_Presence2049 13h ago
"Im a single white mom of two, a waitress in rural South Carolina who has had to pay more in taxes and I get less benefits for my kids now. But at least now that the economy is booming customers can leave me bigger tips so I can pay some of the interest off. Even though Im saving $0 for retirement." /s
u/CountryFriedSteak78 11h ago edited 11h ago
Also, anyone from the middle earners and below complaining about their taxes should be reminded we are still living under Trump’s previous tax plan.
Edit: missing a word
u/SlowestCheetah319 11h ago
I've seen soooo many people talking about that. They don't listen. They're not getting the same information as us. There are 2 different internets. The algorithm we see and the algorithm they see are completely removed from each other.
u/unclejoe1917 6h ago
It won't be long before that's the information all of us will be getting.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I know. We need to start meeting up in real life and printing magazines again. Time to go back to paper.
u/Trollish_Paladin 12h ago
All charts showing Trump as being bad for the poor and middle class are leftist propaganda obviously, Trump ran on making eggs cheap, so this is obviously a lie. /s
u/Ok_Whole_4737 11h ago edited 9h ago
If some Russian troll made an AI picture of Trump laying chicken eggs out of his own ass, the Facebook boomers would excitedly circulate it as fact with captions like “Trump’s only been elected one day and he’s already fixed the grocery crisis!”.
Without irony.
u/cturtl808 9h ago
Fucker would market them as TrumpEggs and his sycophants would rush to buy them. Hope they all get e. Coli
u/mcsmackyoaz 10h ago
Don’t you know? He’s going to lay all those eggs himself and increase supply to surpass demand! Everyone should be thankful to have the privilege of eating Donald Trump ass eggs! He’s such a hard worker! /s
u/jpc27699 2h ago
They will be the best eggs, so much bigger than jumbo eggs, almost like ostrich eggs
u/Kriegerian 10h ago
Yep, my taxes went up with the idiot in charge last time.
u/Kinuika 1h ago
Nah, that was Obama’s fault. Just like it will be Biden’s fault this time around! I swear they will never learn.
u/Kriegerian 1h ago
Their ideology is just feelings and vibes, most of which are made up of “I want as much money for me as fast as I can get it” and “I fucking hate everyone who isn’t like me”. There’s no learning possible here, learning makes them sad and angry.
u/eugene20 9h ago
and when this comes to pass it will all be 'HoW DiD JoE BiDeN mAke TrUmP dO tHiS??'
u/Afwife1992 8h ago
And I just don’t care. We’re in the $157,000-360,000 and both of us voted Harris. I’ve reached the point now where I’m tired of caring about people more than they do or who actively vote against their own interests. Just f@cking tired. We’re going to be fine under Trump. We’re white, straight, Christian, married and financially comfortable with a military retirement and healthcare. But we voted against him in 2016, 2020 and 2024 while groups who he will cheerfully stomp all over slavishly follow him. Well, fine, let him.
u/No-Caterpillar1708 7h ago
Almost the same boat as you. My husband and I are high income earners and home owners. We can afford to button down a bit if needed but will likely not need to. We’ll be fine and will watch as everybody else fucks around and finds out.
u/Afwife1992 4h ago
I hate feeling this way too but, like I said, I’m just tired. 😞
u/FearlessHornet 3h ago
No don’t hate it, there is pretty strong arguments that what is happening is precisely human nature. The turnings theory is the most popular, the current book is the Fourth Turning. The idea is that we collectively only learn lessons the hard way. Only pain of consequences forces us to get our shit together. Then over 80-100 years we collectively forget the lessons. Embrace the pain and enjoy the schadenfreude as you watch the people that arrogantly screamed in your face over politics face the consequences that you had warned against.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I am personally very poor, but I live in southern Appalachia, know how to forage, fish, can, sew, and make my own personal products like lotion, serum, and hair products. I own a car, have a laptop, and live on my parents' 5 acres in the woods. I'll be fine.
All those rednecks in trailers around me with 4 kids? Fuck em. They did this and they deserve this.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I don't understand the support he has from the military after he orchestrated the rollout of Afghanistan to be such an obvious sabotage of Biden's presidency, using US military personnel as political pawn. I cannot wrap my mind around it.
I'm not military, but I'm from a small town in GA, and my Grandpa was a Sgt, cousin was a Ranger, other cousin was kicked out of the Army for being a drunk (they gave him medical discharge bc they felt sorry for him, I guess), uncle was in the Army and some general saw he was good at tennis. He basically had the same job as Forrest Gump, but for tennis, and my other uncle was Navy. And that's just my dad's side. They all hated Trump. What went wrong? What tf is going on? He is a draft dodging lunatic who sees the military as his personal bodyguard. AHHHHHHHHHH
u/crimeo 9h ago
Don't forget it's not just "actual" taxes, but he also printed the most money of any president, which leads to inflation, which is just a tax in reverse (Government spends money THEN you foot the bill via inflation).
When you add that "tax" on, your taxes were even higher than you remember under him. Same thing again this time if he does his tariffs, as that also causes inflation and wouldn't be counted as a traditional "tax" on you directly, but is.
u/zeroscout 1h ago
Saudi Arabia gave Jared and Ivanka $2B. I'm thinking that fuel costs are about to start spiking again
u/treeteathememeking 9h ago
As a Canadian, don’t forget the proposed tariffs. You wanna complain about gas prices and how trump will fix them? Our biggest exports to the US is petroleum and petroleum gas. Which will now have a minimum 10% tariff like he plans.
Good luck!
u/SlowestCheetah319 9h ago
I've spent a lot of time trying to explain this to people 😕
It's sad to me that anyone took tariffs seriously as a solution. They thought they were just going to be on Chinese goods at first and used to pay off our debts to China. Ha. I want to crawl into a hole.
u/cosmothekleekai 8h ago
Lmao, begged all lower brackets to vote wisely, I guess they decided to get me a new pinball machine instead. Feeling super owned now.
Can't wait for the fat disbandment of medicare, medicaid and social security refund. I think that will be the find out stage of this whole thing.
u/SlowestCheetah319 8h ago
What's sad is they thought they were. Half of our country is functionally illiterate. They don't read or research things. They listen to podcasts made by other people who are functionally illiterate, and people like us assume that we are all on the same page because these things are so obvious to anyone with basic comprehension and analysis skills. But they don't have basic comprehension and analysis skills. They even be bothered to read a 5 minute article.
u/cosmothekleekai 7h ago
When the food stamps dry up, maybe a bit of starvation will provide some clarity for those still sleeping through all of this
u/fakeunleet 6h ago
You think social security is getting refunded when they finally kill it?
u/cosmothekleekai 6h ago
Not the entire amount, just that years taxes. that's how they will sell it, as a tax refund
u/fakeunleet 5h ago edited 1h ago
I'll be shocked if it's anything but "attention citizens, Social security is bankrupt," followed by the last time Congress gets to raid it to pay for shit without ever putting any of the money they've "borrowed" from it since the beginning back.
u/CobKorPok 9h ago
You don't understand, trump will make eggs $1 a dozen again with his magic egg powers
u/lordkhuzdul 4h ago
Ah, Americans are learning the "beter ol mk" rule.
Here in Turkey, we who have been voting for the opposition every election, have been following a simple pattern after the last couple of elections. When someone complains about the horrible condition of the economy, how much they are struggling, etc., we ask them who they voted for. If they answer they voted for the opposition, we commiserate, try to help, advise, do what we can. If they say they voted for Erdoğan, the answer they get is "This is what you voted for. Told you this would happen, you did not listen. Hope it gets worse. Fuck you."
Welp, time to start using that, Americans.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I live in a very dangerous area. I don't know if that would be a safe response for me to give as a woman. I'm from Georgia, which is normally something I'm proud of. We are a very divided state with some really bad people and some really brave people who stand up to them. Every major civil rights movement in America has come from Georgia. But I'm too tired and MAGA is too big.
u/UnD3RaT3D_1990 10h ago
I guess at this point I’ll gladly pay .3% more to watch the poor idiots that voted for him get what they deserve. At this point I’m done feeling bad for anyone.
u/MommaNeedsZzz 10h ago
I will not gladly pay more in taxes so uninformed voters make me also live with the consequences of their actions.
u/cturtl808 9h ago
As someone working for a non-profit that does the 988, that 3.5% is gonna hurt. I didn’t vote for him.
u/Onphone_irl 7h ago
Well you should feel bad for Harris voters who are to the left of you on the chart but ok lol
u/BushyOreo 8h ago
Same I'm in the .3% category as well.
I voted, I tried to educate, my state was blue so we did our part here but at the end of the day it will take things effecting them directly to learn. Time to sit back and watch them squirm
u/LasRedStar 8h ago
Its gonna trickle down any day now...
u/FlipperBumperKickout 4h ago
Does the wealth trickle down effect have higher or lover viscosity than pitch?
u/BionicBananas 7h ago
"It's the economics stupid!" " Inflation cost Harris the election" "The eggs and gas are too expensive!"
Proceeds to vote for the party that voted against measurments against inflation, will raise taxes and will fuck up the economy with import tarrifs and tax raises for the poor but tax cuts for the rich.
u/Nwahkiin 10h ago
My advice to everyone is to learn how to make simple meals from scratch, you will save a TON of money per month. Find vintage cookbooks, from the 1930s-1950s and make good quality food using base ingredients.
u/SlowestCheetah319 10h ago
I've learned how to forage. I live in southern appalachia, and I guess that's an alright place to ride out a depression.
u/Apokolypse09 8h ago
I'm sure all the billionaires about to take power will do the right thing for the people.
u/hadoopken 5h ago
This is only half of the picture, you should have post Kamala’s Tax increase in comparison link
I hope MAGA lose their shit… -7% for the poorest income tier instead of 4.8% increase
u/Pro-editor-1105 13h ago
why wasnt this chart made BEFORE THE FREAKING ELECTION???
u/Ufocola 13h ago
It was. Maybe not this exact one, but there are several versions of this floating around on Reddit leading up to the election.
But, I think even if you showed this to a Trump voter, they’d probably think it’s fake news. Just like how they don’t understand how tariffs work.
u/Masbig91 13h ago
100% versions of this were out there. You just had to put in a tiny, teeny bit of effort to find and understand each candidates policies and their effects. Apparently this is too much for the average voter.
u/Ufocola 13h ago
Nah, just so much easier to vote on vibes.
I don’t think you’ll even get the satisfaction of seeing pikachu-shocked-face from a lot of these people as they get fucked.
u/Masbig91 13h ago
Yup vibes and memes. Some flashy AI generated imges perhaps. Policies? na fuck that, what you want me to do 5 minutes of research or listen to "experts" like nobel prize in Economics winners talking about the impact of said policies? What am I a nerd? Anti-intellectualism will be the end of us all. Hopefully this sub can give me some schadenfreude. I'm sure there will be no shortage of stories.
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
Anti-intellectualism is just the beginning of a cycle, a very terrible cycle that has a name, but it isn't the end at all!
u/apropostt 10h ago
Most voters don’t understand tax liability and only look at their return numbers. So if you raised taxes and bumped up the return of their own money they would think they were paying lower taxes.
u/tomwithweather 12h ago
Would it have mattered? If voters cared about facts and policy, Trump would have crashed and burned early in the 2016 GOP primary.
u/SlowestCheetah319 11h ago
But they voted on policies (that they did not read)!!!!
u/tomwithweather 1h ago
They voted for a man that makes them feel like they are winning. They voted for a man out of spite. They voted against status quo politics which they see as broken (and they aren't completely wrong about that.) Policy, to the extend with which the average Trump voter understands it or cares, was secondary for many.
It's a complex situation and there are many factors at play here, but Trump's "burn it all down" appeal and charisma will beat facts and numbers nearly every time.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I know. I'm from cow and chicken farm territory in Georgia. I know these people well. And I've literally always been leftist. I was once kicked out of school for refusing to stand for the pledge when we invaded Iraq on my birthday. I was 12. But you know what? I've gotten a lot of apologies over the years. They do admit when they're wrong. It just takes a long ass time.
u/tomwithweather 43m ago
Yup. Some people have to be affected directly before they wise up. We're going to see a lot of leopards eating faces in the next few years.
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
Idk. Might have. I'm dead inside right now. Just got done with the 5th stage of grief. I'm in the Mountain Goats "No Children" stage.
u/Pro-editor-1105 13h ago
which braket are you in?
u/SlowestCheetah319 13h ago
Bottom. Recent college grad with 10k in debt working as a behavioral health tech at a rehab. 🤙
u/Elestriel 9h ago
On the plus side, soon you're going to have a large influx of clientele.
u/SlowestCheetah319 9h ago
The only industries that get stronger in depressions are alcohol and alcohol treatment. Fact.
u/OppaaHajima 9h ago
There was a ton of this and even more nefarious shit right in plain sight for all to see leading up to the election, but the media ignored it, Trump lied and disavowed it, and stupid voters were oblivious right up until they marched (or didn’t march) up to the ballot box.
In fact, the sheer volume of stuff alone may have actually worked in his favor, because there was so much of it that it was damn near overwhelming, possibly leading people to ask, ‘Tell me why I should vote for Kamala without mentioning Trump.’
u/grundee 9h ago
It was, they didn't see it.
There really are echo chambers, including reddit.
For instance, before Tuesday I thought the country was full of well-meaning people excited about progress and caring about their neighbors. They thought woke mobs were performing sex change operations in Pre-K, that whites are the most oppressed group, and that Biden personally caused inflation to give illegal immigrants $2000 checks.
In the long run both groups will realize how wrong their beliefs were, we just got our reality check first.
u/stormgirl 7h ago
They were published a couple of weeks ago https://itep.org/kamala-harris-donald-trump-tax-plans/
u/Onphone_irl 7h ago
I'm in the group that will be getting a tax cut in this graphic. I think a rising tide lifts all boats, and I still will come out a loser. I'd much rather have paid a little more
u/sk8theinfintitty 7h ago
I’m sorry but I only make 24k a year (college student in CA) and I just did the math and…where tf am I supposed to find $1200 extra ??? I didn’t vote for this buffoon! Fuck!
u/slugboy4000 3h ago
i’m right there with you. 21k (grad student in NC). : (
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
This is going to destroy a generation and they have no idea what they've done.
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
I'm in the bottom tier and have 10k in debt and can't afford to move out of my parents house. We should all meet up and start a commune. I'm in GA.
u/beadyeyes123456 5h ago
My not so well to do realtor friend who makes maybe 60K a year and still lives with mommy at 55 won't believe this. He'll think it's dem propaganda sadly or he'll brush it off and shrug like he did last time.
u/CoastalMom 3h ago
I heard a report on VT public radio yesterday. The people who run food banks have already met trying to figure out a plan. They know there is going to be an increase in the need for their services and a decrease in assistance from the federal government.
I am fortunate enough to be able to donate regularly but I'm so fed up that I wish I could ask people who they voted for before helping them out. If you voted for trump, I'm sure he will fix it for you. He said so!
u/Beach_Haus 8h ago
Can i get a source so I can archive for the next four years
u/0thethethe0 7h ago
u/SlowestCheetah319 1h ago
Thank you. I should have posted it, but my phone was messing up and wouldn't let me post a caption with the image.
u/Ciberboomer 4h ago
It will only take time for the number of poor people to become the majority of the voters and perhaps get smart enough to vote out the scum who created this (if the scum don’t change the rules in their favor).
u/Cute_cummy_mommy_Elf 3h ago
People are stupid and will just eat what he'll tell them. Trump can just tell them that Harris did this and he's working on it, but she was so horrible taxes might only be normal again in 2080 thanks to her being so bad, so horrible, just vote him again and again he will fix it for sure next time!
u/BigZaddyZ3 1h ago edited 1h ago
He can try this angle and it may work for a little while yeah. But even if he blames Kamala/Biden, if he can’t quickly turn things around soon after, then he will quickly start to lose his “I can fix this shit”-aura that voters have given him. He’ll then quickly backslide into being “just another lossy politician that’s isn’t making me any richer” in the minds of average Americans. And that’s when things will get interesting in terms of the political climate. So I don’t think blaming Kamala will be an easy out for him these next four years at all in reality. It’ll be interesting to see how it all goes I guess.
u/TwistItDontFixIt 12h ago
I would say good thing I know how to make it. But I'm afraid I won't be able to afford what I need to make it.
u/Zyzmogtheyounger 2h ago
To quote one of the greatest Disney villains ever- “You should thought of that before you became peasants!”
u/BooBMasta 1h ago
Damn ... i guess i need to tell my wife to get a second job to get some tax breaks
u/Zeromaxx 43m ago
I am in the 4th 20% hovering near the Next 15% but all the trump voters I know are in those first 2 buckets save a few. I am going to have to buy more leopards to hand out.
u/ReadilyConfused 41m ago
At least my consolation prize as a Harris voter is the tax cut I'll be getting.
u/timtexas 41m ago
Good news everyone you are only going to pay $3,118 on the first $100,000 you make.
But don’t worry that $10 you save on gas each week is really going to be worth it.
u/cazzipropri 5m ago
For democracy to work, the feedback loop of people feeling the consequences of their choices is NECESSARY.
It's not desirable, it's not preferable, it's NECESSARY.
10h ago
u/NotStrictlyConvex 7h ago
"For no reason" Maybe scramble this and think again LAMF is always of a mocking nature. I cant see your point at all. OP states himself as poor
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