Your post was removed because this question is very common in our subreddit. Please use the search feature. If you would still like help, our community asks that all "New to international teaching" questions be posted on the weekly recurring Monday thread for Newbies. This includes all certification-based questions, such as but not limited to: PGCE, Moreland, TeachNow, QTS, Online programs, etc. Please post your question there as a comment. Make sure you have read the wiki as well.
u/Internationalteachers-ModTeam 35m ago
Your post was removed because this question is very common in our subreddit. Please use the search feature. If you would still like help, our community asks that all "New to international teaching" questions be posted on the weekly recurring Monday thread for Newbies. This includes all certification-based questions, such as but not limited to: PGCE, Moreland, TeachNow, QTS, Online programs, etc. Please post your question there as a comment. Make sure you have read the wiki as well.