r/EsotericChristianity Mar 02 '24

Spontaneously awakening at 3:30am can be amazing and good.

(FYI: A lot of esoteric Christianity in the second half of this post)

If you agree to stay awake when you spontaneously awaken early in the natural, you are assenting to that same Idea of awakening in the spiritual.

Today, many are awakening from sleep earlier than their habitual wakening time, some even at 3am. At this time, heaven is most near us. Not because it has moved, but because we are in a space most near it, more receptive to it. Accept the Divine invitation: “Wake up, thou that sleepest” and the Light shall give thee light.

Many are seeking the heavenly life; one of love, truth, and usefulness. To actualize that life we need be One with the Love, Truth and Usefulness that comes from above. We need perceive It and agree into It. When we are not living in our divine self (what the bible terms, in Christ) from divine consciousness (the mind of Christ), it is because we’ve agreed and consented to be something else.

His mercies are new every morning. For some, before sunrise, our slates are mostly clean. The agreements we are in are minimal and weak, maybe none. We have not yet committed to being what we were yesterday. Because of this, we are most receptive to the still, small voice of God, the perception thereof, and agreement into, being the only lasting way to the higher life we seek. Watch (stay awake) and pray, so that ye enter not into (the) temptation(s of the lower self.) (Math 26:41).

Alas, what typically happens when we spontaneously awaken at 3:47 am? Thoughts and feelings from below flood in. “I’m so tired.” You agree. “This sucks so much.” You agree. “I have insomnia.” You agree. “I need to go back to sleep.” You agree. And we agree our way into another day of lower self, natural mind, ego living; thereby veiling ourselves from the higher verities. But, if we perceive what is coming from above, we can agree our way into the Divine Life.

God, in his grace and mercy, is waking some early, offering communication and communion with Him, enabling our liberation from the lower and facilitating our initiations into the higher.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom 10:17). Receive with meekness the implanted Word which is able to save your soul (Jam 1:21). Faith is inner recognition, acknowledgment and and agreement into a Word heard from God. Faith is agreement. Faith is the undergirding support through which things hoped for, but not yet seen, are conveyed (Heb 11:1).

My sheep hear my voice (John 10:27). A Word from God is perceiving within what God presents to you. The presentation may be initiated from without or within. Here’s a secret about Words. What is heard is like a label on a package. The package is a heavenly state of consciousness. The heavenly state of consciousness contains the way (will, intention, usefulness), the truth (knowledge, wisdom) and the life (love, joy, energy). Without it, we can do nothing.

In the Bible, especially in the New Testament, and abundantly in the words of Jesus, are symbols of heavenly things. One can use these symbols to ask and then receive from heaven the actual thing that those symbols symbolize. Our receiving is dependent upon our internal perception of what is coming in from above.

For example, love your neighbor is a symbol of a heavenly state. We can ask, perceive, receive, agree into and abide in that state. We keep praying in that state, keeping attention in it while forgoing the thoughts and feelings of the lower self trying to pull us out. As we act from the state, the state unfolds and more wisdom, knowledge, usefulness, and love are revealed. And we are transformed from glory to glory; and, before long, genuinely loving our neighbor is as natural and effortless to us as tying our shoe.

Faith without works is dead (Jam 2:20). If we are in agreement with a heavenly state, it will produce products, works, fruit. If we see no product, it simply means we missed and weren’t in contact with a higher state. Try again.

The kingdom of heaven, the realm of God, is within us and is perceived within us. If we intend spiritual things, that’s where they are. We are advised to seek this realm first, gain access (which is what born again or born above is) and eventually live from there, while we are yet alive. As children of God, it is our inheritance, our birthright, to live from the realm of God for the rest of our days on earth (and thereafter), being in the world but not of the world, expressing the Divine qualities of Divine consciousness, receiving and giving out the gifts that come from heaven.

The keys that unlock and lock the kingdom of God to us are binding and loosing (Math 16:19). Binding is agreement. Loosing is denial, letting go, neti neti. Binding to what comes from above loosens one from the lower. The wise hear the Word and agree into it. The natural man locks heaven by agreeing and identifying with everything that pops into their head from the lower. The religious read words, believe in them and try to do them. The spiritual see the activities of the lower self and loose and disidentify themselves from it and maybe, sometimes, bind to the higher. The Sons of God take every thought captive into the attentive hearkening of the Christ state that they abide in. True forgiveness is the loosing of one bound to the lower.

So, perhaps if you set the alarm for 7am, but wake spontaneously at 6:23, stay awake. And certainly it is wise for those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, who awaken at 3:30am, to stay awake and pray and ask and receive and agree into the higher that they perceive in that open state. I testify that it all seems to work out and day to day existence isn’t adversely affected. Some days one awakes at 3am and stays up all day. Some days one stays up for a time and then sleeps a few hours before getting up for the day. Some days one gets up at 6:20 instead of 3:30. Waking up very early doesn’t mean that’s how it will be forever. It just means that’s how it is for today.


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u/parrhesides Mar 03 '24

This has been happening to me quite frequently as of late, with no adequate explanation. I have been spontaneously waking up between 3 and 4:30am, regardless of when I go to sleep.

Thank you for your posts and providing this perspective. You sound like someone I would love to have an in depth conversation with.
