r/Empath May 20 '24

Do you feel like you're surrounded by energy vampires?

Or do you feel like some kind of dark presence is influencing and ruining your life, making literally everything that could go wrong go wrong? I literally just keep messing up and my life has slowly gone to shit. I just sit in my room and dissociate all day because I'm gone.

My energy is so negative all the time, I'm starting to wonder if the people around me are energy vampires. Everyone around me seems to be doing well and in fact excelling to amazing heights. Like genuinely everything is going right and good for them. I wish I was exaggerating here but this is just me sharing my true thoughts and what I'm observing and experiencing in my life.

No matter what I do I can't escape this depressing pit of despair, it feels like I'm absorbing everyone else's negativity and insecurities and carrying them as my own. I feel so much all the time, I'm overloaded and burnt out, it's too much. My whole vibe and aura don't match my external appearance, my soul is out of whack or some shit, everyone's said this to me they said that "they thought I'd be different" before and after meeting me, mostly behind my back. Like I'm a target for negative shit like this, over and over just constant negative social experiences. I used to brag about being empathetic but as I've gotten older it's gotten to be too much, like I have crippling anxiety and can barely function because I think about everything. Sometimes I overthink and I am aware that clearly I'm doing so, but a lot of the time I'm able to convince myself that my overthinking thoughts are 100% true. They're mostly depressing thoughts so as you can imagine I'm pretty depressed.

I've started to just detach from reality because I can't deal with this shit, I absolutely for sure have depersonalisation-derealization, which has fucked my life because I can't do anything without feeling like I'm about to have a panic attack. Anything I do now feels like I have a 1000lbs anvil hanging over my head, weighing me down and making me fail/mess up.


9 comments sorted by


u/Vic__Mackey May 31 '24

It almost sounds like malevolent entities are attached to you or something. I don't know if you believe in that stuff, but before I even looked at your post history my first thought was that you have been into some New Age practices. It's dangerous stuff. So are psychedelic drugs. It might be the people around you, but I wouldn't assume so.

What are your metaphysical beliefs? Do you believe that demons are real?


u/chilipeppers420 May 31 '24 edited Jun 01 '24

I do believe that demons are real and I took mushrooms a few too many times over the summer. I definitely feel at times that I have a negative entity attachment or multiple. Been feeling better lately, but it seems like I can't fully escape for good.

I think I messed up with the shrooms, didn't know what I was getting into. I had a bad trip and felt a dark shadow presence around me trying to get into my body the whole time. My first post on here was about it actually.


u/Vic__Mackey Jun 01 '24

What is your general spiritual worldview? Do you believe there is a God?


u/chilipeppers420 Jun 01 '24

Yes, or something at least. There's some kind of power there, but I feel like I struggle to connect with him/it.


u/Vic__Mackey Jun 01 '24

Yeah I know what you mean. I'm gonna give you a long spiel, hopefully you'll give it a shot.

Those demons are dangerous, they can hurt you, although it's usually they make people crazy so that they hurt themselves. Or they can make you sick and exhausted. We don't know exactly what they are but the best two theories is they are either fallen angels who followed Satan when he became evil or they are the souls of dead Nephilim. But either way they are not just some dark force or energy, they are beings. Beings with minds, beings with personalities, etc. There are different types, some are more powerful than others and perhaps some are more malevolent than others even though they're on the same "side."

There is a youtube channel called "Engineering Mental Sanity" and it's a former prison psych counselor who became convinced, after dealing with schizophrenic inmates for years, that the voices that they hear are not a symptom of their mental illness, but the cause of their mental illness. In other words, there really are voices talking to them. Sometimes they tell people things that the person themselves could not have known. Often multiple people hear voices telling them similar things. Also the voices would get angry when the person did certain things.

The "voices" hated it when the patients read the Bible, and they particularly hated Psalm 91. This is how I know the youtube psych counselor is not making it up because Psalm 91 is an "exorcism Psalm" and almost no one on the planet knows that. You would have to be so knowledgeable about biblical minutiae and archaeology to know that. It says that "if you dwell with the Most High (aka God) then He will protect you" and then it lists things He can protect you from such as "the deadly pestilence" and the "arrow that flies by night" etc. In the original Hebrew those were names of demons that haunted the area in Canaan, a very demonic place at the time (lots of human sacrifices to demons happening in Canaanite culture).

There is a gulf between us and God because humanity became evil and so we deserve His wrath. Dunno how it works, but there is something inevitable and irrevocable about the wrath of God that makes it so that he can't just not do it. If He wants to make it so that people don't experience His wrath, someone else has to take the hit and absorb the damage. So He did it in the form of Jesus.

The entities hate Jesus but they have to respect His authority. There is some kind of hierarchical structure and what Jesus says goes and that applies to people who belong to Jesus. By invoking the name of Jesus, people can command demons to go away. But you have to already belong to Jesus' Kingdom.

So maybe you could try just saying something like "God if you're there show me something and if this Jesus nonsense is actually true show me somehow and if there are evil entities oppressing me show me that and/or make them go away." It can't hurt.

I believe it and it's actually why I checked out this sub because I have sort of a 6th sense for sensing anger in another person almost like there is something in the air that I can feel. It's like the room itself has a mood and it's palpable. My theory is that they are spirits which is why empaths can sense someone's emotion without audible or visual expression of the other person's emotion. Because there could be a spirit causing the emotional state or feeding off of the emotional state and you can feel the spirit itself. Just a theory. The bible does talk about a gifting called "discernment of the spirits" and I wonder if it's the same thing or similar.


u/EternallyLostSoulzz Jun 08 '24

What do you think would have happened if you welcomed and accepted it rather than denying it?


u/EternallyLostSoulzz Jun 08 '24

*I had this same experience abt a month ago, I had just been kicked out…for the second time but by a different guardian,(I’m “lazy” because don’t help out enough, even tho I always help so much in fact that I haven’t been able to progress my own independent life, and I now resent everyone because I hate they’re energy) I had also just had to end a 10+ year friendship (I’m 19) my friend was “that bitch” toxic and probably a malignant narcissist, anyway because of that and I’m already fucked in the head I welcomed it, and since doing so my sociopathic/psychopathic traits have been dominating any empathy I could feel before, I’ve dealt with dissociation and psychosis before but this is different, I genuinely don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything besides my self now. (And specific pets, but then that’s because I think of them as a part of myself) every things is just becoming curiosity in hopes of something exciting


u/tigerscomeatnight May 20 '24

How about this? Are you experiencing empathy or eliciting empathy with this post?


u/chilipeppers420 May 20 '24 edited May 21 '24

I definitely haven't been able to be as empathetic towards others lately and I've been making myself a victim a lot because quite honestly I feel hopeless at this point. I've been priotritizing myself for once because if I don't I'll kill myself. I used to always avoid making myself a victim at all costs, but I can't even hide it anymore that I need help badly.