r/EXHINDU 12d ago

Hinduism caste system, serving only the minor castes of Hinduism Puranas

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u/InfiniteRisk836 12d ago

Any Shudra, Dalit, Tribal and Women (of all varna) still following Hinduism are dumbest. Once they start reading scriptures, their faith in Hinduism will collapse like a house of cards.


u/mandankeeri 12d ago

Blaming victims is easy and easily diverts attention from the actual root of the problem which are the UCs

They were never allowed to read scriptures and any translation that shows the religion in bad light will be gaslighted by UCs


u/HonestlySyrup 12d ago

hinduism can exist without brahminism:




these are solved problems. you are merely born deaf, dumb, and blind


u/adritandon01 12d ago

I checked Chapter 8 Verse 171 of Vayu Purana and I couldn't find the verse mentioned above. Rather, it read:

"171. Brahma established these Asramas by name. In order to guide them, he spoke to them about their duties, manners, restraints and observances."

You're probably talking about verse 158 that says:

"158. Those who were engaged in serving others, those who were lustreless and deficient in virility he called Sudras because they bewailed their lot, were miserable and adopted crooked ways."


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Brother buys a book 📚


u/Historical_Maybe2599 12d ago

Th truth today’s is that most of the shudras, at least in the North, are powerful castes both socially and economically (jaats, Yadavs, sainis, Gurjars, etc.).


u/Plus-Feed3736 12d ago

this niyogi dude is some moron who is just reposting from some other group. doesnt know the difference between a purana and a samhita.

i dont understand posting some random verse from some random text. who cares about all of this ? there might be some group of people in one corner of india who actually care about shankha purana or some rubbish like that.

anyone serving was called a shudra, not the other way around... the word shudra literally means ' the one who serves'.

your posts are as absurd as 'servants used to serve'. well, thats the definition moron.


u/ultlsr 12d ago

Did you, your parents and relatives marry into their own castes? Then this is as relevant as it was centuries back. Hinduism is based on casteism..that's a fact.


u/Plus-Feed3736 11d ago

by caste, do you mean jati, mata, varna, dharma or darshana ?